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WTTC’s Groundbreaking Study Reveals Untapped Potential of Global Travel & Tourism Industry

WTTC’s Groundbreaking Study Reveals Untapped Potential of Global Travel & Tourism Industry

The World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC) and the Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC) have formed a partnership to establish a structured framework for hotel sustainability and work towards GSTC Certification. This collaboration aims to send a powerful message about the importance of sustainability in the travel and tourism sector.

In a major new partnership, the WTTC and GSTC have joined forces to create a three-stage framework for hotel sustainability. This framework will integrate the WTTC Hotel Sustainability Basics verification with GSTC Certification, providing support for hotels on their journey towards full sustainability.

The WTTC Hotel Sustainability Basics, endorsed by the partnership, serve as an entry-level program for hotels of all sizes and types to start implementing sustainable practices. On the other hand, GSTC Certification is widely recognized as the gold standard for certifying sustainable hotels.

Julia Simpson, WTTC President & CEO, highlighted the importance of collaborating with GSTC to drive change, set benchmarks, and inspire others to follow. By working with key global players like GSTC, the WTTC aims to lead the industry towards a more sustainable future.

Randy Durband, CEO of GSTC, emphasized that the combined pathway between the WTTC Hotel Sustainability Basics and GSTC Certification provides clarity for hotels to begin their sustainability journey and continuously improve. The three-stage framework ensures that progress is gradual and comprehensive.

The WTTC Hotel Sustainability Basics are already accessible to the industry, and the next phase of collaboration with GSTC is set to launch in 2024. This phase will serve as a crucial stepping stone between the WTTC Hotel Sustainability Basics and GSTC Certification, facilitating a smooth progression towards sustainability in the hospitality sector.

The partnership between WTTC and GSTC reinforces the commitment to a unified vision of sustainability in the global hospitality sector. By aligning their efforts, they aim to drive change, set industry standards, and inspire others to follow suit.

Overall, this partnership between the WTTC and GSTC marks a significant step towards promoting sustainability in the travel and tourism sector. By establishing a structured framework and supporting hotels on their sustainability journey, they are sending a powerful message about the importance of collaboration and coherence in working towards a more sustainable future.

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