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Woman’s Clothes Ignite in Terrifying Incident Outside Edmonton Convenience Store: Urgent Hospitalization Required

Woman’s Clothes Ignite in Terrifying Incident Outside Edmonton Convenience Store: Urgent Hospitalization Required

The incident of a woman catching fire outside an Edmonton convenience store raises concerns about the extreme weather conditions and the desperate measures people resort to in order to keep warm.

The incident occurred on a day with a high of zero degrees Celsius and wind gusts up to 40 km/h, highlighting the harsh weather conditions faced by individuals in Edmonton.

H2 Woman’s Clothes Catch Fire Outside Edmonton Convenience Store Amid Freezing Temperatures

In a shocking incident on Saturday morning, a woman caught fire outside an Edmonton convenience store, possibly in an attempt to warm herself. The incident occurred at the store and gas station located at 109 Street and 61 Avenue. Eyewitness Vishnu Chawla, an employee at the store, believes that the woman may have intentionally set a fire outside to keep warm.

Chawla described the terrifying scene, stating that the woman accidentally caught herself on fire and attempted to flee. “She freaked out. There were big flames on her legs,” he said. The Edmonton fire crews swiftly responded to the emergency call and found the woman’s clothes engulfed in flames. Burnt clothing and shoes were visible at the scene before the woman was transported to the hospital.

It remains unclear how the fire started, but Chawla speculated that the woman may have had a lighter or was burning things to keep warm. His immediate response, along with that of a customer, was to douse the woman with water and call 911 for assistance. Edmonton Fire Rescue Services spokesperson Rachel Humenny confirmed that fire crews promptly arrived at the scene and the woman was taken to the hospital by EMS in stable condition.

This incident raises concerns about the extreme weather conditions faced by individuals in Edmonton. The forecast for that day indicated a high of zero degrees Celsius with a windchill of -7 degrees Celsius. Environment Canada had also issued warnings of wind gusts up to 40 km/h. These freezing temperatures and strong winds make it challenging for people to stay warm and safe.

It is crucial for individuals to have access to proper shelter and heating facilities during harsh weather conditions. As the winter season approaches, it is important for communities to come together and ensure that vulnerable individuals have the necessary resources to stay warm and protected. This incident serves as a reminder of the importance of providing support to those in need and raising awareness about the risks associated with extreme weather.

In conclusion, the incident of a woman catching fire outside an Edmonton convenience store highlights the desperate measures people may resort to in order to keep warm during freezing temperatures. It serves as a reminder of the need for communities to provide support and resources to vulnerable individuals during harsh weather conditions.

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