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Winchester’s Sponsored Walk Fights Polio, Aims to Eradicate the Disease for Good

Winchester’s Sponsored Walk Fights Polio, Aims to Eradicate the Disease for Good

A Mile Walk in Winchester to Eradicate Polio

In an effort to raise funds and awareness for the eradication of polio, Rotarians all over the UK are planning to participate in a sponsored walk called “Walk a Mile.” The walk, which will take place in Winchester on October 29, aims to raise as much money as possible for the cause. Participants are inviting sponsors to donate just £1 for every mile walked, with the hope of immunizing millions more children and preventing the re-infection of the disease.

The devastating effects of polio primarily affect young children, leaving them severely disabled or unable to walk. The disease has been a global concern for the past three decades, and Rotary International has been at the forefront of the fight against it through their End Polio Now campaign. World Polio Day, observed on October 24, serves as a reminder of the need to finish the task of eradicating this disease.

The walk in Winchester will start at 10am and finish in the Cathedral Close, following a city center route that passes sites where Winchester Rotary has previously planted purple crocuses – the emblem of the project. Two polio survivors, Gillian Russell and Dr. Kordo Saeed, will start the event, representing the determination of Rotary to eliminate polio altogether.

Rotarians are urging friends and families to support them through sponsorship, with all funds raised going towards immunizing children and preventing the re-infection of polio. Donations will continue to be match-funded, ensuring that every contribution has an even greater impact. The Rotary Club takes pride in its success in significantly reducing the number of polio cases over the years, with many Rotarians personally involved in immunization programs in countries like India, where the disease has been eradicated.

With support from the Gates Foundation, which has matched Rotary International’s fundraising 2-1, polio is now only reported in small numbers in Pakistan and Afghanistan. Rotary remains determined to cross the finish line and achieve the complete eradication of polio.

If you would like to support the Rotary Club’s efforts to end polio and donate to the cause, please consider contributing at least £1. Your donation will make a difference in the lives of children around the world. For more information or to donate, visit rotaryfoundationgbi.beaconforms.com/form/baa8da4e.

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