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Warfare: Sudan Civil War Witnessing Unprecedented AI Voice Cloning Tech

Warfare: Sudan Civil War Witnessing Unprecedented AI Voice Cloning Tech

The emergence of AI voice cloning technology in the context of the Sudan civil war highlights the potential for fake content to spread quickly and easily through social media platforms. This democratization of access to sophisticated audio and video manipulation tools is concerning, as it allows individuals with little technical expertise to create and distribute fake content. In this case, an anonymous TikTok account has been posting “leaked recordings” of former Sudanese leader Omar al-Bashir, despite his absence from the public eye for a year and his reported serious illness. The authenticity of these recordings was investigated by comparing them to a Facebook Live broadcast by a Sudanese political commentator, suggesting that voice conversion software was used to mimic Bashir’s voice. The motives behind this campaign remain uncertain, but one consistent narrative is the criticism of the head of the Sudanese army, General Abdel Fattah Burhan.

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Nayan Kumar