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Vernon Kay Dethrones Ken Bruce in Radio Wars, but Is His Reign Costing Him Listeners?

Vernon Kay Dethrones Ken Bruce in Radio Wars, but Is His Reign Costing Him Listeners?

Vernon Kay’s BBC Radio 2 show has 6.9 million listeners, making it the most popular radio show in the UK. However, his predecessor Ken Bruce had 1.3 million more listeners before he left the mid-morning slot.

In the world of radio, there is always a battle for listenership and ratings. The latest audience figures from Rajar reveal an interesting dynamic between Vernon Kay and Ken Bruce. While Kay’s show on BBC Radio 2 has the most listeners in the UK, it falls short of the numbers that Bruce pulled in before he left the mid-morning slot.

Kay took over from Bruce in May after the latter left the BBC for Greatest Hits Radio. Despite being the most popular radio show in the country, Kay’s ratings of 6.9 million listeners are 1.3 million fewer than what Bruce had before his departure. This indicates that some of Bruce’s listeners did not make the switch to Kay’s show.

On the other hand, Bruce has been successful in increasing the audience for his new show on Greatest Hits Radio. According to Rajar, Bruce’s show now has 3.7 million listeners, which is a significant achievement. It shows that Bruce has been able to retain a substantial portion of his audience and attract new listeners to his new station.

These figures highlight the competitiveness of the radio industry and the importance of maintaining and growing listenership. While Kay may have the most popular radio show in the UK, Bruce’s ability to retain and increase his audience demonstrates his enduring appeal and popularity.

Overall, these audience figures shed light on the shifting landscape of radio and the challenges faced by presenters in maintaining and growing their listenership. It will be interesting to see how Kay and Bruce continue to fare in the future and whether Kay can bridge the gap in listenership that currently exists between him and his predecessor.

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