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Unseen: The Shared Struggles of American Jews and Palestinians Amidst Rising Fear and Hatred

Unseen: The Shared Struggles of American Jews and Palestinians Amidst Rising Fear and Hatred

The recent war between Israel and Hamas has led to a rise in threats and harassment against Palestinian and Jewish Americans, causing a growing sense of fear within these communities. This fear is fueled by incidents such as a man wielding a gun and yelling racial slurs at a peaceful pro-Palestinian rally in Pennsylvania, as well as bomb threats, stabbings, and other hate crimes targeting individuals based on their religion or ethnicity. The Arab American Anti-Discrimination Committee and the Anti-Defamation League have reported a significant increase in hate incidents against Palestinian, Arab, Muslim, and Jewish Americans. President Joe Biden has condemned these acts of hate, but experts and community leaders express concerns that the trend will persist as the conflict in the Middle East continues. This climate of fear is forcing some individuals to restrict their daily activities and take precautions to ensure their safety.

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