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UN’s Unwavering Commitment to Aid Ukraine Fuels Hope, Blue Helmets Withdraw from Mali: Latest Updates

UN’s Unwavering Commitment to Aid Ukraine Fuels Hope, Blue Helmets Withdraw from Mali: Latest Updates

The ongoing Russian invasion in Ukraine has resulted in severe humanitarian crisis, with civilians facing daily attacks and living without basic necessities like water, electricity, and gas for over a year. The UN is committed to staying with the Ukrainian civilians and has provided aid to millions of people in the country. Meanwhile, UN peacekeepers in Mali are withdrawing from the restive Kidal region due to worsening security conditions and increasing violence. The mission, which has seen the loss of over 300 peacekeepers, is expected to fully drawdown by the end of the year. In Chad, the UN Humanitarian Coordinator has issued an urgent call for support as the country faces multiple humanitarian crises, including the influx of Sudanese refugees and the impact of the conflict on the food supply chain. Chad is also vulnerable to climate change, further exacerbating the challenges it faces.

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