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Unprecedented Era of Global Turmoil: Geopolitical Chaos Takes Center Stage

Unprecedented Era of Global Turmoil: Geopolitical Chaos Takes Center Stage

The world has entered a new era of geopolitical chaos, with the collapse of the Cold War order and the rise of new power dynamics.

In the past, international deal-making used to be conducted through back channels between two superpower blocs, with the constant threat of nuclear war hanging over the world. However, with the collapse of Soviet communism, the old world order ceased to exist.

The citizens of East Berlin tore down the Wall, symbolizing their newfound freedom and self-determination. While this was seen as a miraculous turn of events, there were Russians who felt humiliated by the Soviet implosion, including Vladimir Putin, who has acted out his grief with ruthlessness in Ukraine.

Russia’s recent alliance with the extreme Islamic government of Iran, which funds Hamas, is a surprising development. This alliance could potentially distract attention and resources from the Western support of Ukraine, as well as increase the price of oil on which Russia’s economy heavily depends.

Overall, the collapse of the old world order has led to a new era of geopolitical chaos, with shifting power dynamics and unpredictable alliances. The future of global stability remains uncertain, and it is crucial for the world to find new ways to address conflicts and maintain peace.

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