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Unlocking the Secrets to Thriving Business Development: Insights from a Game-Changing Podcast

Unlocking the Secrets to Thriving Business Development: Insights from a Game-Changing Podcast

Building relationships and being authentic are key to successful business development, according to Bradley Dyer Jr., senior business development officer at Credit Union of America.

Dyer Jr. emphasizes the importance of serving dedicated teachers and healthcare professionals who make up a significant portion of the credit union’s membership.

In a recent episode of the CUNA News Podcast, Bradley Dyer Jr., senior business development officer at Credit Union of America, shared his insights on successful business development. He believes that forming relationships and staying true to oneself are crucial in this field. Dyer Jr. also discussed his commitment to serving educators and healthcare professionals, who make up a significant portion of the credit union’s membership.

Dyer Jr. highlighted the importance of understanding the needs of members and tailoring services to meet those needs. He emphasized the role of business development during the COVID-19 pandemic, where financial literacy became even more critical. Dyer Jr. believes that offering resources and education on financial matters can empower members to make informed decisions.

Diversity, equity, and inclusion were also key topics of discussion. Dyer Jr. emphasized the importance of fostering an inclusive internal culture within the credit union and being aware of the diverse backgrounds and needs of members. He also mentioned his involvement in the Governor’s Credit Union Advisory Council, where he works to promote financial inclusion and economic growth in the community.

Outside of his role in business development, Dyer Jr. has various interests and hobbies. He believes that having outside interests not only enriches his personal life but also allows him to bring different perspectives and experiences to his work.

In terms of advice for aspiring business developers, Dyer Jr. emphasized the importance of building relationships and being authentic. He believes that genuine connections are the foundation of successful business development. He also encouraged individuals in this field to stay curious and continuously seek opportunities for growth and learning.

In conclusion, Bradley Dyer Jr.’s approach to business development is centered around forming relationships, serving members’ needs, and promoting financial literacy. His commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion, both within the credit union and in the community, reflects his dedication to creating a more inclusive and prosperous environment. Aspiring business development leaders can learn from his advice to build genuine connections and remain authentic in their work.

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