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Unlocking the Power of Research: How MIT Scientists Are Policymaking

Unlocking the Power of Research: How MIT Scientists Are Policymaking

The MIT Policy Lab at the Center for International Studies is a unique initiative that aims to bridge the gap between academia and public policy. Led by Associate Professor Chappell Lawson and managed by Drew Story, the lab supports MIT researchers in magnifying the impact of their work on public policy.

The impetus behind launching the Policy Lab was the recognition that policymakers typically do not read academic articles, regardless of how groundbreaking or transformative they may be. As a result, important research findings often go unnoticed by those who have the power to implement them in policy decisions. At the same time, researchers are often not equipped with the training, resources, or incentives to engage with policymakers.

The Policy Lab seeks to address these challenges by empowering and supporting researchers to make their work more relevant to policymakers. They identify policy-relevant research within MIT, collaborate with researchers to develop plans for policy impact, provide training on how to engage with policymakers effectively, and offer funding to facilitate engagement.

The lab’s role is to lower the barrier of entry into the world of policy and reduce the friction in the hand-off from academia to policymakers. By doing so, they aim to build a bridge between academics and policymakers, ensuring that important research findings are considered in policy decision-making processes.

The Policy Lab complements the work of the MIT Washington Office, although their goals and resources differ. While the Washington Office advises and coordinates collective advocacy or policy advising efforts by MIT, the Policy Lab focuses on supporting individual researchers in making their work useful to policymakers at various levels.

While other universities and scientific societies also strive to engage researchers in policy processes, the MIT Policy Lab stands out for its dedicated staff, proactive and reactive capabilities, modular and customizable support for researchers, and an inclusive approach that spans across all research disciplines and policy domains.

Currently, the Policy Lab is involved in several projects, including those related to climate change policy, supply chain restoration after natural disasters, childhood education in Haiti, and the environmental impacts of deep seabed mining.

In conclusion, the MIT Policy Lab plays a crucial role in magnifying the impact of MIT researchers’ work on public policy. By providing support, training, and funding, the lab aims to bridge the gap between academia and policymaking, ensuring that important research findings are considered in policy decisions.

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Akash Osta