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Uncovering a Surprising Family Connection: Assington Business Owner’s ‘Destiny’ to Empower Local Community

EcoReporter: Assington Business Owner’s Surprise Family Link to Village

Assington Business Owner’s Surprise Family Link to Village Inspires ‘Destiny’ to Support Community

In a surprising turn of events, Assington Autos owner Frederick Cook recently discovered that his great-grandfather was also a businessman in Assington. This unexpected family connection has inspired Cook to dedicate himself to supporting the community and honoring his ancestral ties.

Fred Cook, owner and founder of Assington Autos

Family Ties to Assington

During the Victorian era, Cook’s great-great-grandparents, William and Charlotte Cook, lived in Assington. William worked as the village’s boot and shoemaker, while their son Albert moved away to Battersea. The next generation of the family settled in the East End of London, leading Cook to believe his family originated from there. However, upon learning about his strong family connection to Assington, Cook was surprised and felt it was his destiny to move there.

Commitment to the Community

As the owner of Assington Autos, Cook has become a well-known figure in the area. He plans to give back to the village by supporting local causes, donating to the community, and sponsoring the local football team. Additionally, Cook emphasizes the importance of environmental sustainability and aims to achieve net-zero carbon emissions from his business by 2040.

A Sustainable Future

Cook expresses concern about the worsening global climate crisis and its impact on future generations. He believes that everyone should take responsibility for protecting the planet. At Assington Autos, Cook is committed to sustainability and aims to recycle up to 99% of the vehicles his business harvests. He plans to plant over 1,000 trees and shrubs on his site and intends to power his vehicle fleet with electricity, potentially installing solar panels throughout the site.

Cook hopes that his great-great-grandparents would be proud of his efforts. In their honor, he intends to lead Assington Autos on a journey to achieve the prestigious Suffolk Carbon Charter award and become net-zero by 2040.

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