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Truth: Debunking the Myth of the ‘Unsubscribe’ Button in Spam Emails

Truth: Debunking the Myth of the ‘Unsubscribe’ Button in Spam Emails

When it comes to unsubscribing from spam emails, it’s important to exercise caution. While reputable companies generally follow email marketing regulations and unsubscribing should work, clicking the unsubscribe button on unsolicited spam from unknown senders may confirm that your email address is active, leading to even more spam. To avoid this, stick to unsubscribing from emails from trusted sources and mark suspicious emails as spam. Additionally, using spam filters and third-party tools like Unroll.Me, Clean Email, and MailWasher can help in managing and eliminating unwanted emails. Balancing caution and convenience is key to achieving a cleaner inbox.

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Akash Osta