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Telegram’s Game-Changing Security: Unbreakable IP Address Protection for Calls

Telegram’s Game-Changing Security: Unbreakable IP Address Protection for Calls

Telegram, a leading encrypted messaging platform, has responded to claims made by a cybersecurity researcher regarding the security of IP addresses during calls. The company asserts that it is the most secure mass-market messenger for safeguarding this data.

In recent news, cybersecurity researcher Denis Simonov demonstrated how easy it is to access IP addresses through Telegram’s encrypted messaging app using a simple tool. In response to these claims, Telegram emphasized that it is the only platform that does not use peer-to-peer for all calls by default.

Telegram clarified that only individuals on a user’s trusted contact list can view their IP address when making calls. For calls with unknown or untrusted individuals, the platform routes the calls through its servers to mask IP addresses. Additionally, Telegram allows users to disable peer-to-peer calls for all contacts, routing all calls through their servers.

According to Telegram, sharing IP addresses is a technical necessity for facilitating peer-to-peer calls, and therefore, this process does not constitute a “leak.” In contrast, many other messaging platforms employ peer-to-peer networking by default for all calls and do not offer users the option to alter this setting.

Denis Simonov detailed his process of determining his interlocutor’s IP address in Telegram using a network traffic analysis tool called Wireshark. He identified STUN protocol traffic, which is a standardized protocol designed to assist devices behind Network Address Translation (NAT) in determining their external IP addresses and the type of NAT used on their gateways. Simonov also automated the process of obtaining the IP address using tshark, the console version of Wireshark.

Telegram’s response highlights the security measures it has in place to protect the IP addresses of its users. The company emphasizes the importance of distinguishing between trusted and untrusted contacts, reflecting its commitment to ensuring the privacy and security of its users, especially during voice and video calls.

In conclusion, Telegram asserts itself as the most secure mass-market messenger for safeguarding IP addresses during calls. Its approach of not using peer-to-peer for all calls by default, routing calls through servers, and allowing users to disable peer-to-peer calls sets it apart from other messaging platforms. This commitment to security reflects Telegram’s dedication to protecting the privacy of its users.

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Nayan Kumar