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Tech-Savvy Spartans: How MSU Students Revolutionize Life Hacks

Tech-Savvy Spartans: How MSU Students Revolutionize Life Hacks

EcoReporter: MSU Spartan Hackers Use Technology to Innovate Life Hacks

Inspired by the negative connotations associated with the term “hackers,” the Michigan State University (MSU) Spartan Hackers club aims to redefine the meaning of hacking. Established in 2012, Spartan Hackers is one of the largest and oldest computer science organizations at MSU, with hundreds of active members and a thriving online community.

Contrary to popular belief, Spartan Hackers does not engage in illegal activities or attempt to steal information. Instead, they view hackers as individuals who are passionate about making a positive impact and changing the world. The club also refers to participants in hackathons as hackers.

Hackathons are intense coding competitions that typically last 24-48 hours. Participants collaborate to find creative solutions to coding projects. Spartan Hackers President Rajmeet Singh Chandok emphasizes that the club’s main goal is to educate members about computer science and foster a strong community.

While the club primarily consists of computer science majors and related fields, it is open to students from all disciplines. The workshops and meetings are designed to be beginner-friendly, allowing non-technical majors to participate and learn. Spartan Hackers also actively participates in MSU resource and career fairs to promote ethical hacking and the club’s mission.

By participating in hackathons, Spartan Hackers members gain real-world experience and have the opportunity to win prizes for MSU. Chandok highlights the value of these experiences for securing internships in BigTech companies. Additionally, club projects can be included in portfolios, benefiting students from various majors.

The club’s focus extends beyond hackathons, as they also explore the concept of life hacks using technology. Rachel Loren, the club’s Vice President, believes that technology should make life easier and aims to create innovative solutions through technology.

Overall, Spartan Hackers is committed to promoting ethical hacking, solving real-world problems, and bringing about positive change. Their efforts align with the values of EcoReporter, showcasing the potential of technology to contribute to environmental sustainability and a better world.

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Akash Osta