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Surprising Survey Reveals Canada’s Divided Stance on Halloween Candy Tradition

Surprising Survey Reveals Canada’s Divided Stance on Halloween Candy Tradition

Canadians are divided on whether or not to hand out Halloween candy this year, with 48% planning to do so, 46% opting out, and 6% undecided.

In a recent online survey conducted by Leger and The Canadian Press, it was revealed that Canadians are split down the middle when it comes to handing out Halloween candy this year. Of the 1,521 adults who completed the survey, 48% said they would be giving out treats, while 46% said they would opt out, and 6% were still undecided.

Interestingly, the proportion of those who plan to hand out candy increases to 63% among households with children. This suggests that families with kids are more likely to participate in the Halloween tradition.

Moreover, the survey found that a significant majority of families with children plan to take advantage of the night’s spoils. Among the 350 respondents with kids old enough to go trick-or-treating, a whopping 79% said they would be hitting the streets in search of candy.

When it comes to spending, the survey indicates that 71% of Canadians expect to spend about the same amount of money on Halloween this year as they did last year. Roughly 15% of respondents said they were cutting back on spending, while 11% said they were actually increasing their expenditure for the holiday.

On average, those who do spend money on Halloween shell out approximately $64.20 for costumes, candy, decorations, and other related expenses. However, for parents, the average spending jumps to $115.80. This suggests that parents are willing to invest more in creating a memorable Halloween experience for their children.

The survey also delved into Canadians’ beliefs in supernatural beings. According to Leger, 45% of respondents reported believing in angels, while 38% said they believe in ghosts and the paranormal. Additionally, 35% said they believe some people have special powers, such as speaking to the dead or seeing the future. A small percentage of respondents, 5% and 4% respectively, said they believe in vampires and zombies.

Overall, 59% of survey participants believe in at least one of these supernatural phenomena, highlighting the enduring fascination and belief in the supernatural among Canadians.

It is important to note that online surveys, like the one conducted by Leger, cannot be assigned a margin of error as they do not randomly sample the population. However, the results provide valuable insights into the attitudes and behaviors of Canadians regarding Halloween candy distribution and their beliefs in the supernatural.

In conclusion, this survey shows that Canadians are divided on whether or not to hand out Halloween candy this year. While 48% plan to participate, 46% will opt out, and 6% are still undecided. The proportion of those giving out treats increases among households with children, and a significant majority of families with kids plan to go trick-or-treating. Canadians also expect to spend a similar amount on Halloween as they did last year, with parents willing to spend more. Additionally, a significant portion of respondents believe in supernatural beings such as angels, ghosts, and people with special powers. These findings provide an interesting snapshot of Canadian attitudes towards Halloween and the supernatural.

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