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Stephen King’s Surprising Praise for JK Rowling’s Controversial New Book Sparks Curiosity

Stephen King’s Surprising Praise for JK Rowling’s Controversial New Book Sparks Curiosity

Despite their past disagreement over transgender views, Stephen King has praised JK Rowling’s new book, The Running Grave, in a recent tweet. This surprising endorsement has left fans confused and curious about the relationship between the two authors.

In the world of literature, it’s not uncommon for authors to have differing opinions and engage in public disagreements. One such instance is the clash between Stephen King and JK Rowling over their views on transgender rights. However, King recently surprised fans by commending Rowling’s latest book, The Running Grave, in her Cormoran Strike detective series.

In a tweet, King praised Rowling’s work, stating that it showcases her talent and recalls the readability of her famous Harry Potter series, but with a darker tone. He even mentioned that the book helped him through a difficult time. This endorsement left fans puzzled, as King and Rowling have previously clashed over their views on transgender people.

Rowling, known for her outspoken criticisms of trans rights, has faced backlash for her comments. Just last week, she suggested that she would willingly spend two years in prison for misgendering a transgender person. In June 2020, she deleted a tweet expressing her admiration for King after he confirmed his support for trans women.

When asked about the incident in a 2021 interview, King revealed that Rowling had “cancelled” him and blocked him on social media. However, he emphasized that everyone is entitled to their opinions, including Rowling. While he disagreed with her views on trans women, he respected her right to hold them.

King clarified that his support for trans women is what angered Rowling. He shared his belief that trans women are indeed women, and that was the point of contention between them. He also acknowledged that Rowling’s views on trans women are an outlier in her overall political spectrum, as she has been vocal against Brexit and former US President Donald Trump.

In conclusion, Stephen King’s endorsement of JK Rowling’s latest book, The Running Grave, despite their previous disagreement over transgender views, has left fans confused. King’s support for trans women clashed with Rowling’s beliefs, leading to their public disagreement. However, King emphasized the importance of respecting differing opinions and acknowledged that Rowling’s views on trans women are not reflective of her overall political stance.

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