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Spotify’s Game-Changing Move: 15 Hours of Free Audiobooks for Premium Subscribers in UK and Australia

Spotify’s Game-Changing Move: 15 Hours of Free Audiobooks for Premium Subscribers in UK and Australia

Spotify’s move to offer 15 free hours of audiobook listening per month to its premium subscribers in the UK and Australia is a significant step in the company’s broader push into the audiobook market. This move not only positions Spotify as a competitor to Amazon’s Audible, but also highlights the company’s ambition to become the go-to platform for all things audio.

While this news may not directly relate to environmental issues, it is important to recognize the environmental implications of consuming audiobooks. Unlike physical books, which require the harvesting of trees and the use of energy-intensive manufacturing processes, audiobooks are a more sustainable option. By promoting the consumption of audiobooks, Spotify is indirectly contributing to a more eco-friendly reading experience.

H2 Spotify’s Free Audiobook Offering Sets Stage for Increased Sustainability in Reading

In recent news, Spotify has announced that its premium subscribers in the UK and Australia will now have access to 15 free hours of audiobook listening per month. This move marks Spotify’s entry into the audiobook market and positions the company as a competitor to Amazon’s Audible.

According to Bloomberg News, this offering was in the works and will officially start on Tuesday. US-based subscribers will also receive the free hours this winter. The collection will include more than 150,000 titles from five major book publishers. In addition to the free hours, users can purchase an additional 10 hours for $11 a month in the US, or £10 in the UK.

Spotify’s main competitor in the audiobook space, Audible, currently offers one bestseller or new release per month, along with a selection of additional titles and podcasts, for $15 monthly. Spotify claims that its selection includes more than 70% of the best-selling audiobooks.

This move by Spotify aligns with the company’s broader ambition to become the destination for all things audio. Last year, Spotify acquired Findaway, an audiobooks distributor, and began offering audiobooks for sale on its app. Gustav Söderström, Spotify’s co-president, stated, “It’s Spotify’s ambition to be the destination for all things audio, both for listeners and creators.”

While this news may not directly relate to environmental issues, it is important to recognize the environmental implications of consuming audiobooks. Unlike physical books, which require the harvesting of trees and the use of energy-intensive manufacturing processes, audiobooks offer a more sustainable option. By promoting the consumption of audiobooks, Spotify is indirectly contributing to a more eco-friendly reading experience.

In conclusion, Spotify’s move to offer free audiobook listening to its premium subscribers in the UK and Australia is a significant step in the company’s expansion into the audiobook market. This move not only positions Spotify as a competitor to Audible but also highlights the company’s ambition to be the go-to platform for all things audio. Additionally, by promoting the consumption of audiobooks, Spotify indirectly supports a more sustainable reading experience.

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Akash Osta