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Skyrocketing prices hindering consumers’ shift towards sustainable living: Study reveals

Skyrocketing prices hindering consumers’ shift towards sustainable living: Study reveals

UK consumers have faced challenges in adopting more sustainable lifestyles due to financial constraints, according to a survey conducted by Deloitte. The study of 2,000 British adults revealed that 62% cited cost concerns as a barrier to switching to sustainable behaviors, representing a 10% increase from the previous year. However, the survey also found that a significant portion of respondents were willing to pay more for sustainable products and services, with 26% prepared to pay more to protect biodiversity, 24% willing to pay more for sustainable products and packaging, and 25% willing to pay more to buy from suppliers that respect human rights. The survey also indicated that many consumers have already adopted sustainable behaviors at home, such as recycling (76%), reducing household food waste (68%), and limiting single-use plastics (64%). Additionally, there has been an increase in the number of consumers engaging in circular practices, such as repairing items instead of replacing them (55%) and buying second-hand or refurbished items (46%). The survey also revealed that consumers have been cutting back on energy consumption, with 23% switching to renewable energy suppliers, 81% reducing their use of heating, and 74% washing clothes at lower temperatures. Looking ahead, the majority of respondents expressed a desire to continue reducing their energy consumption, while a smaller percentage had longer-term plans such as installing solar panels or replacing boilers with heat pumps. The survey findings highlight the importance of businesses and policymakers working together to make sustainable choices more affordable and to provide better information on the environmental impact of buying decisions.

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