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RI and Japan forge alliance to combat technology misuse, paving the way for innovation and security

RI and Japan forge alliance to combat technology misuse, paving the way for innovation and security

The misuse of technology for terrorism is a growing concern at both domestic and global levels, and Indonesia and Japan are seeking to strengthen their cooperation in countering this threat.

Rapid technological developments have provided terror organizations with new avenues for propaganda, recruitment, and radicalization, making it crucial for countries to work together to prevent the misuse of technology for terrorism.

In a recent meeting held in Jakarta, the National Counter-Terrorism Agency (BNPT) of Indonesia and Japan’s ambassador in charge of international cooperation for countering terrorism and international organized crime, Sugiyama Akira, discussed the need to bolster cooperation in preventing the misuse of technology for terrorism. The meeting aimed to address the challenges posed by the use of technology in terrorism at the domestic, regional, and global levels.

Andhika Chrisnayudhanto, the BNPT deputy for international cooperation, highlighted the role of rapid technological developments in providing terror organizations with new opportunities. He emphasized that lone actors resulting from online radicalization have the potential to be sources of terrorism, including being involved in the funding of terrorist activities through various types of financial technology (fintech). Furthermore, overseas terror groups such as ISIS have been observed using cryptocurrency and non-fungible tokens (NFT) for funding purposes. In addition, drones (unmanned aircraft) have also been utilized by these groups to carry out their operations.

The misuse of technology for terrorism is not limited to Indonesia alone. It is a global phenomenon that requires international collaboration and coordinated efforts to combat. The second Counter-Terrorism Dialogue between Indonesia and Japan also addressed the current situation regarding terrorism in the Southeast Asian region and Afghanistan. The strategies employed by each country in dealing with extremism and terrorism were also discussed.

As technology continues to advance at an unprecedented pace, it is crucial for countries to stay vigilant and proactive in countering the misuse of technology for terrorism. Cooperation between nations, such as the dialogue between Indonesia and Japan, plays a vital role in sharing knowledge, best practices, and intelligence to effectively prevent and combat this threat. By working together, countries can enhance their capabilities in countering terrorism and protecting their societies from the misuse of technology.

In conclusion, the misuse of technology for terrorism is a significant challenge that requires close cooperation between nations. The recent dialogue between Indonesia and Japan highlights the importance of strengthening international cooperation to prevent the misuse of technology for terrorism. With rapid technological developments providing new avenues for terror organizations, it is crucial for countries to work together and stay ahead of this evolving threat.

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Nayan Kumar