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Revolutionary Test Pressure Control Unveiled at Freeman: Redefining Technology’s Impact

Revolutionary Test Pressure Control Unveiled at Freeman: Redefining Technology’s Impact

The new technology acquired by Freeman Hospital, known as the Senographe Pristina Dueta systems, is revolutionizing the mammogram experience for women by allowing them to have more control over the test. The system provides a remote control that puts patients in charge of their own breast compression level during the scan, reducing anxiety and fear associated with the procedure.

The introduction of this new technology is a significant development in the field of mammography. It addresses a common concern among women, who often avoid getting mammograms due to the fear of pain or discomfort. By allowing patients to control the level of pressure applied to their breasts, the Senographe Pristina Dueta systems provide a more comfortable experience, ultimately encouraging more women to undergo regular mammogram screenings.

Dr. Jane Seto, a radiologist and expert on 3D imaging, highlights the benefits of this technology, particularly for women with dense breasts and those at risk of developing smaller cancers. The ability for patients to determine their own level of compression leads to better quality images and improved cancer detection. Smaller cancers can be detected more easily when the breast is fully compressed during the scan.

The Pristina, another component of the equipment, offers high-resolution imaging for cancer detection and utilizes AI technology to analyze the images. This comprehensive approach ensures that Freeman Hospital is providing the best care possible, with early detection and accurate diagnosis being crucial for a positive prognosis.

It is important to note that many women only seek a mammogram when they have felt a lump in their breast, which often indicates more advanced cancer. However, with the new equipment at Freeman Hospital, technicians and doctors can detect cancer as small as 4 to 5 millimeters, significantly increasing the chances of early detection and successful treatment.

In conclusion, the acquisition of the Senographe Pristina Dueta systems by Freeman Hospital is a game-changer in the field of mammography. By giving patients control over their own breast compression level during the scan, the technology provides a more comfortable experience and encourages more women to undergo regular screenings. With improved image quality and early detection capabilities, Freeman Hospital is at the forefront of providing the best care possible for breast cancer patients.

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Nayan Kumar