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Revolutionary Hyundai Unveils Groundbreaking Tech at CES 2024: A Sneak Peek into the Future of Driving

Revolutionary Hyundai Unveils Groundbreaking Tech at CES 2024: A Sneak Peek into the Future of Driving

HD Hyundai, the world’s largest shipbuilder, will keynote at CES 2024 to share tech-first strategies for building a more sustainable future. The company is known for its expertise in developing eco-friendly infrastructure technology and retrofitting carriers and shipyards. HD Hyundai aims to revolutionize the construction industry by shifting focus from individual machines running on fossil fuel to AI and data-based, site-level system solutions powered by sustainable energy sources. By leading the transition to renewable energy and smarter infrastructure, HD Hyundai believes that infrastructure is central to achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals and creating a cleaner planet.

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Akash Osta