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Revolutionary AI Underwater Lifesaving Device Unveiled by Vancouver Innovator

Revolutionary AI Underwater Lifesaving Device Unveiled by Vancouver Innovator

The AquaEye device created by Carlyn Loncaric is a groundbreaking technology that has the potential to revolutionize underwater search and rescue operations. With its use of artificial intelligence and handheld sonar technology, the device significantly decreases search times, allowing rescuers to locate people underwater in a matter of minutes. Loncaric’s innovation addresses a crucial gap in existing technology and has the potential to save countless lives.

Heading: AquaEye: A Game-Changing Underwater Lifesaving Technology

Carlyn Loncaric, a Vancouver woman, has developed AquaEye, a groundbreaking technology that utilizes artificial intelligence to locate people underwater. This handheld sonar device has the potential to revolutionize search and rescue operations by significantly decreasing search times. Inspired by her frustration with the lack of efficient technology during her time as a lifeguard, Loncaric combined her passion for micro-electronics and engineering to create a device that could be easily deployed in seconds to save lives.

The Need for Innovation:
Every year, an average of 338 people in Canada lose their lives to drowning, highlighting the urgent need for innovative solutions in underwater search and rescue operations. Loncaric recognized this gap in technology and was determined to create something that could quickly locate people in open water. Her vision was to develop a device that was not only effective but also easy to use, enabling rescuers to save lives with minimal delay.

The AquaEye Solution:
AquaEye is the first handheld sonar device that utilizes artificial intelligence to locate people underwater. By simply placing the device under the water and pulling the trigger, rescuers can scan an area equivalent to a football field in less than two minutes. This speed and efficiency decrease search times by an impressive 87 percent, allowing rescuers to locate individuals in distress quickly. The device’s portability and ease of use make it a game-changer for underwater search and rescue operations.

Recognition and Support:
Carlyn Loncaric’s innovation caught the attention of Telus’s Stand with Owners program, where she was selected as one of the five finalists. The program aims to support game-changers and business owners who are making a difference. Loncaric’s passion and background stood out to the judges, leading to her being awarded $125,000 to further develop and distribute AquaEye. Loncaric hopes that this support will help get more AquaEyes into the hands of first responders, transforming hours or days of searching into minutes.

Carlyn Loncaric’s AquaEye device is a remarkable innovation that has the potential to save countless lives. By utilizing artificial intelligence and handheld sonar technology, AquaEye significantly decreases search times, making it a game-changer for underwater search and rescue operations. Loncaric’s passion and determination to create a solution to the lack of efficient technology in open water rescue have resulted in a device that can scan vast areas in a matter of minutes. With the support of Telus’s Stand with Owners program, Loncaric aims to make AquaEye more accessible to first responders, further enhancing their ability to save lives.

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Akash Osta