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Revolutionary AI Software Receives CE Mark for Accurate Prostate Cancer Detection

Revolutionary AI Software Receives CE Mark for Accurate Prostate Cancer Detection

Lucida Medical’s AI-based prostate cancer detection software, Prostate Intelligence (Pi), has received Class IIb CE certification, allowing it to be used across the UK and European healthcare systems. This comes at a time when there is a projected shortfall of radiologists in the UK, highlighting the need for a streamlined and accurate method of cancer diagnosis.

In recent years, MRI has become the preferred imaging technique for assessing various cancers, including prostate cancer. However, a key clinical study revealed that radiologists using MRI can miss 12% of significant prostate cancers and refer 55% of individuals without significant cancer for biopsies. This not only leads to unnecessary pain and cost but also increases waiting times for patients.

Pi addresses these issues by using AI to analyze MRI scans and integrate seamlessly into the radiologist’s workflow. It automatically produces 3D segmentations, volumes, and risk scores, saving radiologists time and supporting biopsy and treatment decisions. By reducing the rate of undetected cancers to 6% and avoiding unnecessary biopsies by 43%, Pi has the potential to greatly improve the accuracy and efficiency of prostate cancer diagnosis.

Prostate cancer is the most common cancer in men, with 1.4 million diagnoses and 375,000 deaths each year globally. In the UK, there is shocking variability in the diagnosis and treatment of prostate cancer, with 35% of men in Scotland being diagnosed at stage 4 compared to 12.5% in London. Early detection is crucial in reducing rates of advanced and metastatic disease, improving patient outcomes, and increasing life expectancy.

The CE certification for Pi is a significant milestone for Lucida Medical, as it establishes the software as the leading platform for prostate cancer diagnosis using MRI. It has the potential to support the entire process, from screening high-risk patients to biopsy, diagnosis, and treatment planning. With its integration into radiologists’ workflows and unprecedented accuracy, Pi can not only improve patient outcomes but also reduce costs and waiting lists in healthcare systems like the NHS.

Lucida Medical will showcase Pi at the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA) 2023 Annual Meeting, where the results of the latest external validation will be presented. The company plans to make Pi commercially available in the UK and EU in the first quarter of 2024.

Overall, Lucida Medical’s CE-certified AI software, Prostate Intelligence, offers a promising solution to the challenges in prostate cancer diagnosis. By leveraging AI technology, it has the potential to revolutionize the field and improve patient outcomes while addressing the projected shortfall of radiologists.

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Akash Osta