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Revolutionary 3D Imaging Breast Cancer Screening Tech Unveiled by RVH, Promising Accurate and Early Detection

Revolutionary 3D Imaging Breast Cancer Screening Tech Unveiled by RVH, Promising Accurate and Early Detection

Insight Point: The newly upgraded Breast Imaging department at Royal Victoria Regional Health Centre (RVH) is set to enhance both cancer detection and patient comfort. The installation of four new Hologic 3Dimensions Mammography units with advanced 3D technology allows radiologists to examine the breast in ‘slices,’ improving the chances of detecting breast cancer and reducing the need for follow-up testing. This innovative technology also provides higher quality images for increased cancer detection.

Introduction: Royal Victoria Regional Health Centre (RVH) celebrated Breast Cancer Awareness Month by unveiling its newly upgraded Breast Imaging department equipment fleet. The hospital believes that this new technology will not only enhance cancer detection but also provide a more comfortable experience for patients. The installation includes four Hologic 3Dimensions Mammography units with advanced 3D technology, allowing radiologists to examine the breast in ‘slices’ and improving the chances of detecting breast cancer.

Improved Cancer Detection: Laura Gordon, a patient from Muskoka, has personally experienced the benefits of the improved technology. Due to her family history of breast cancer, she was allowed to start having mammograms at the age of 36. At 39, she discovered a growth that wasn’t detected by regular technology at the time. However, the difference between a traditional 2D mammogram and a new 3D mammogram was enough to pick up her cancer, including three tumors in one of her breasts and one in her lymph nodes. This potentially life-saving technology emphasizes the importance of timely cancer detection.

Enhanced Patient Comfort: The new machines in the Breast Imaging department prioritize patient comfort without compromising image quality, exam time, or dose. With a curved compression surface, patients can have a more comfortable experience during screening. Dr. Raj Grover, the medical director of Medical Imaging at RVH, highlights that breast imaging is a cornerstone of their Medical Imaging Program and that they strive to provide a welcoming and comfortable experience for the more than 20,000 patients they see each year.

Community Support: The purchase of the new equipment was made possible, in part, by contributions to the RVH Foundation from over 1,900 different donors. This community support demonstrates the importance of investing in advanced medical technology to improve cancer detection and patient care.

Conclusion: The upgraded Breast Imaging department at RVH, featuring new 3D technology, is set to enhance both cancer detection and patient comfort. The ability to examine the breast in ‘slices’ improves the chances of detecting breast cancer while reducing the need for follow-up testing. Patients, like Laura Gordon, have already benefited from the increased cancer detection abilities of the new technology. The emphasis on patient comfort, along with the support of the community, further solidifies RVH’s commitment to providing exceptional care experiences for breast cancer patients.

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Nayan Kumar