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Retail: Amazon’s Checkout-Free Technology Signals the End of Cashiers

Retail: Amazon’s Checkout-Free Technology Signals the End of Cashiers

Amazon’s new checkout-free technology aims to solve the problem of long wait times and reduce lineups for customers. By allowing shoppers to simply tap their payment method and grab items off the shelves, the process is quick and efficient, with no need for cashiers or traditional checkouts. This technology has been available in the US since 2018 and is now expanding to Canada, with potential future applications in grocery stores, airports, and university campuses. While the convenience of cashier-less shopping is appealing, concerns about privacy and data collection have been raised, urging customers to ask for more information about what data is being collected and how it will be used. Despite fears of job losses, proponents of the technology argue that it can lead to employees taking on different roles rather than being replaced entirely.

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Akash Osta