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Renowned Artist Shrigley Transforms Dan Brown Bestseller into 1,200 Pulped Copies, Orwellian World

Renowned Artist Shrigley Transforms Dan Brown Bestseller into 1,200 Pulped Copies, Orwellian World

British artist David Shrigley’s project “Pulped Fiction” involves pulping thousands of second-hand copies of The Da Vinci Code and creating special editions of George Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four. Shrigley was inspired by a charity shop’s request to stop donating copies of The Da Vinci Code and decided to acquire as many copies as possible. He pulped the novels and reprinted Orwell’s book, which came out of copyright in 2021. Shrigley’s new editions will go on sale at the same Oxfam store where the project was conceived.

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