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Rapidly Evolving AI Tech Sparks Alarming Surge in Deepfake Concerns

Rapidly Evolving AI Tech Sparks Alarming Surge in Deepfake Concerns

Deepfakes, which are falsely portrayed photos and videos created using AI, pose a growing concern as AI technology advances. These fake contents can be used to spread false information and are prevalent in various fields, including politics, entertainment, and personal attacks. The accessibility of AI technology makes it easier for individuals with limited technological knowledge to create deepfakes. With time and practice, deepfakes are becoming increasingly convincing, especially with the emergence of AI-generated voices. The identification of deepfakes is a challenging task and may become even more difficult as they become more credible. Social media users should practice good information hygiene by considering the source and framing of the content they encounter. In a polarized political landscape, it is crucial to recognize that strong feelings towards someone do not make an image or video any more reliable. Individuals can protect their own data and content by adding watermarks to their images before sharing them on social media, making alterations more easily detectable.

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Akash Osta