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North Tyneside YMCA Urgently Seeks New Business Sponsors to Ensure Vital Community Meals Continue

North Tyneside YMCA Urgently Seeks New Business Sponsors to Ensure Vital Community Meals Continue

Growing Demand for Community Meals Highlights Need for New Sponsors

H2 YMCA North Tyneside Seeks New Business Sponsors to Meet Growing Demand for Community Meals

In North Tyneside, the YMCA is calling on local businesses to become sponsors for their community meals scheme, as their current funding is set to run out in January. Since the initiative launched last January, over 800 individuals have been provided with hot meals by the YMCA. However, with winter approaching, the demand for this service is expected to increase significantly. The charity aims to address this growing need by transitioning from fortnightly to weekly meals and providing a higher level of support.

Despite the community’s reliance on this service, YMCA North Tyneside only has enough sponsorship to sustain the program until the beginning of next year. Without new sponsors coming forward, vulnerable individuals will lose access to crucial support. The majority of ingredients for the meals are grown in the YMCA’s own allotment, which is funded through existing partnerships.

By securing new sponsors, the YMCA can continue to cultivate a thriving community allotment that promotes sustainable and nutritious living. Volunteers are given the opportunity to connect with each other through gardening and learn valuable skills along the way.

Cat Morton, the fundraising coordinator at YMCA North Tyneside, emphasizes the importance of donations from local businesses in delivering hot meals to the community. For many regular attendees, these meals are their only source of hot food. Currently, the YMCA serves around 100 people per month with fortnightly meals, but when they become available weekly, this number is expected to double. This highlights the essential role the YMCA plays in supporting families across the North East. The charity aims to ensure that this vital service is not lost, as many others in the area have been.

Paul Hart, managing director of Cargo Creative, one of YMCA North Tyneside’s corporate partners, expresses pride in contributing to the organization’s outstanding work. He hopes that more businesses and organizations from the region will join them in supporting this indispensable community hub.

In conclusion, the YMCA North Tyneside urgently requires new business sponsors to meet the growing demand for their community meals scheme. Without additional funding, vulnerable individuals will lose access to a crucial source of hot food and support. By sponsoring the YMCA, local businesses can contribute to the cultivation of a sustainable and nutritious community allotment while making a positive impact on the lives of families in need.

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