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News Media: 65% Demand Advanced Tech to Uncover Online Information Sources

News Media: 65% Demand Advanced Tech to Uncover Online Information Sources

The majority of respondents in a recent survey conducted by The Yomiuri Shimbun expressed their desire for news media to adopt technology that can identify the source of information in online articles and ads. This comes as concerns about the spread of disinformation on the internet continue to grow, with 90% of respondents acknowledging the risk of misinformation being spread by generative AI like ChatGPT.

In today’s digital age, the internet has become a hub for information consumption. However, the increasing amount of disinformation has raised concerns about the reliability of online content. The Yomiuri Shimbun survey revealed that 65% of respondents hope that news media will introduce original profile (OP) technology to identify the sources of information in online articles and ads. This technology could help establish trust and credibility in online content, providing users with accurate and reliable information.

With the rise of generative AI, such as ChatGPT, there is a growing risk of misinformation being spread. The survey found that 90% of respondents recognized this risk, highlighting the need for measures to combat the spread of false information. One potential solution is the implementation of laws or regulations to prevent the unauthorized use of copyrighted materials and personal information. A staggering 88% of respondents believed that such measures were necessary to protect the integrity of online content.

While the survey revealed concerns about disinformation, it also shed light on the public’s perception of traditional media outlets. The percentage of respondents who believed that newspapers accurately report facts decreased from 73% in the previous year to 70%. Similarly, trust in newspaper reporting decreased from 76% to 74%. However, the survey still showed that newspapers were the most trusted source of online news, with 56% of respondents placing their trust in them. NHK followed closely behind with 50%, and commercial TV stations garnered 37% of trust.

The Yomiuri Shimbun survey, conducted nationwide for a month starting in late August, involved 3,000 randomly selected voters in 250 locations. Out of the participants, 2,062, or 69%, provided valid responses. The survey was conducted via postal mail, showcasing the newspaper’s commitment to gathering public opinion.

As we celebrate Newspaper Week, it is crucial to recognize the importance of accurate and reliable information in shaping public opinion. The survey results highlight the public’s desire for news media to adopt technology that can identify the sources of online information. This would not only help combat disinformation but also foster trust and credibility in the digital realm. By embracing original profile (OP) technology, news media can play a vital role in providing accurate and trustworthy information to the public.

In conclusion, the survey conducted by The Yomiuri Shimbun showcases the public’s concerns about disinformation and their desire for news media to adopt technology that can identify the sources of online information. While trust in traditional media may have slightly decreased, newspapers remain the most trusted source of online news. As we navigate the digital landscape, it is essential to prioritize accurate and reliable information to ensure an informed and environmentally conscious society.

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Akash Osta