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Nasa’s Billionaire Journey: Exploring a $1,000 Quadrillion Asteroid

Nasa’s Billionaire Journey: Exploring a $1,000 Quadrillion Asteroid

The upcoming launch of NASA’s Psyche spacecraft to study the asteroid 16 Psyche, worth $10,000 quadrillion, presents an exciting opportunity to learn more about the formation of Earth and the composition of objects in space.

In October, NASA will launch its Psyche spacecraft to study the asteroid 16 Psyche, which is believed to be worth a mind-boggling $10,000 quadrillion. This asteroid, discovered in 1852, is named after Psyche, the Greek goddess of the soul. It is hoped that studying this asteroid will provide insights into the formation of Earth and the composition of objects in space.

Psyche is a massive asteroid with dimensions of 173 miles by 144 miles, making it one of the solar system’s minor planets. It is thought to contain about 1% of the entire mass of the asteroid belt. Scientists believe that it has a core of iron, nickel, and gold, making it a literal flying gold mine. By studying the asteroid’s composition and structure, researchers hope to gain a better understanding of Earth’s core, which is currently inaccessible for direct study.

The Psyche spacecraft will take six years to reach its destination, more than 235 million miles away. Once there, it will orbit the Sun along the asteroid belt, a stellar highway between Mars and Jupiter. Psyche takes five Earth years to complete one orbit of the Sun, but only four hours to rotate once on its own axis, which is referred to as a Psyche ‘day’.

While the asteroid’s high volume of metal classifies it as an M-type asteroid, mining its precious metals is not currently feasible due to the cost and logistics involved. However, many experts believe that asteroid mining could become a reality in the future. If this happens, it would mark a significant shift in the gold rush, as asteroids like Psyche hold immense value compared to the global economy.

The launch of the Psyche spacecraft presents an exciting opportunity for scientists to learn more about the formation of Earth and the composition of objects in space. By studying this asteroid, NASA aims to gain valuable insights into Earth’s core and potentially uncover new knowledge about our own planet. As the countdown to launch continues, the world eagerly awaits the discoveries that await us in the depths of space.

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Nayan Kumar