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Jacob Elordi’s Surprising Inspiration: How ‘Lilo + Stitch’ Introduced Him to the Iconic Elvis Presley

Jacob Elordi’s Surprising Inspiration: How ‘Lilo + Stitch’ Introduced Him to the Iconic Elvis Presley

Jacob Elordi’s only knowledge of Elvis Presley before signing up for the movie “Priscilla” came from the animated film “Lilo + Stitch.”

Jacob Elordi’s connection to Elvis Presley through “Lilo + Stitch” highlights the impact of media on shaping our understanding of cultural icons.

In a recent interview on “The Tonight Show,” Australian actor Jacob Elordi revealed that his only knowledge of Elvis Presley before taking on the role of the iconic musician in Sofia Coppola’s film “Priscilla” came from the 2002 animated movie “Lilo + Stitch.” In the film, Lilo, a young girl and avid Elvis fan, uses the music of the King to teach her alien friend, Stitch, how to be a “model citizen.” Elordi admitted that he knew a lot about Elvis through this film, highlighting the influence of media in shaping our understanding of cultural icons.

Elordi’s revelation raises interesting questions about the impact of media on our perception of historical figures and how it can shape our knowledge and understanding. In this case, an animated film intended for children introduced Elordi to the music and persona of Elvis Presley, a legendary figure in American popular culture. This highlights the power of media to educate and inspire, even in unexpected ways.

The fact that Elordi’s only connection to Elvis came from “Lilo + Stitch” also showcases the importance of diverse forms of media in reaching different audiences. While traditional biopics and documentaries may be the go-to source for learning about historical figures, it is clear that other mediums, such as animation, can also have a significant impact. This speaks to the need for a variety of storytelling methods to engage and educate audiences of all ages and backgrounds.

Furthermore, Elordi’s comments shed light on the actor’s approach to playing Elvis in “Priscilla.” He admitted that Elvis had never been on his list of people to play, and he initially didn’t think he had a chance of landing the role. However, he watched a clip of Elvis returning from the Army in Germany and read the lines for 15 minutes before shooting two takes. Elordi’s focus was not on impersonating Elvis, but on portraying a genuine and compelling relationship between his character and Priscilla Presley.

This approach reflects the actor’s desire to create a relationship drama that stands on its own, separate from the legendary status of Elvis and Priscilla. By treating the film as a straight-up relationship drama, Elordi aimed to bring a fresh perspective to the story, emphasizing the human connection rather than the fame and mythology surrounding Elvis.

In conclusion, Jacob Elordi’s revelation about his only knowledge of Elvis Presley coming from “Lilo + Stitch” highlights the impact of media on shaping our understanding of cultural icons. It also emphasizes the importance of diverse storytelling methods to engage and educate audiences. Elordi’s approach to playing Elvis in “Priscilla” further showcases his desire to focus on the human relationship at the heart of the story. As we continue to explore and celebrate the environment, it is crucial to consider the role of media in shaping our perceptions and promoting a deeper understanding of the world around us.

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