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ISRO’s Daily Battle: Fighting Off Over 100 Cyber Attacks Nonstop

ISRO’s Daily Battle: Fighting Off Over 100 Cyber Attacks Nonstop

to the cyber arena. The government is also providing necessary support to this sector by establishing the Digital University in the state. Kerala is a state where the internet is ensured through K-Fone in every house,” the minister said. He further said that the c0c0n is a role model for the Indian cyber security sector, which is making the necessary innovations for cyber security. “C0c0n is capable of creating cyber security experts among the next generation,” P Rajeev added.

The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) faces over 100 cyber-attacks daily, with rocket technology being particularly vulnerable due to its use of ultra-modern software and chip-based hardware. ISRO has implemented a robust cybersecurity network to combat these attacks. The organization is also conducting tests to ensure the safety of the hardware chips inside the rockets. The growth of the sector, as seen in the shift from monitoring one satellite to monitoring multiple satellites using software, highlights the importance of cyber security in protecting various types of satellites that impact daily life. Advanced technology presents both opportunities and threats, and efforts must be made to counter cyber criminals using technologies like artificial intelligence. The state of Kerala is recognized as a role model for cyber security governance, with the government providing adequate security and support to the cyber arena. The c0c0n conference serves as an example for the Indian cyber security sector, fostering innovation and creating experts in the field.

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Akash Osta