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Israel’s Call for Resignation Escalates as UN Chief’s Comments on Hamas Attack Spark Outrage

Israel’s Call for Resignation Escalates as UN Chief’s Comments on Hamas Attack Spark Outrage

The recent comments made by the UN Secretary General, António Guterres, regarding the Gaza war have sparked anger and controversy in Israel. While Guterres condemned the deadly attacks by Hamas gunmen, he also emphasized the importance of recognizing that these attacks did not happen in a vacuum. Israeli officials, including Ambassador Gilad Erdan and Foreign Minister Eli Cohen, accused Guterres of justifying terrorism and demanded his resignation. Israel has also announced that it will withhold visas from UN officials. The ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas has resulted in significant civilian casualties and destruction in Gaza, with Guterres expressing deep concern about the violations of international humanitarian law. He called for a humanitarian ceasefire to facilitate aid delivery and the release of hostages. The situation remains tense and volatile, with both sides presenting their own narratives and justifications for their actions.

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