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Hurricane Otis Unleashes Devastating 165mph Winds on Mexican Beach Resort: Unprecedented Destruction Unfolds

Hurricane Otis Unleashes Devastating 165mph Winds on Mexican Beach Resort: Unprecedented Destruction Unfolds

Hurricane Otis has made landfall in Mexico’s southern coast, bringing 165mph winds and heavy rain to Acapulco. The storm’s sudden intensity has caught many off guard, and there are concerns about landslides and floods due to heavy rainfall. Acapulco Mayor Abelina Lopez has urged residents to hunker down or move to shelters, as the storm could be more devastating than Hurricane Pauline in 1997. The arrival of Hurricane Otis comes just days after Hurricane Norma struck the southern tip of Mexico’s Baja California Peninsula.

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Hurricane Otis Creates 165mph Winds, Hits Mexican Beach Resort

Hurricane Otis has made landfall in Mexico’s southern coast, bringing 165mph winds and heavy rain to Acapulco. The storm’s sudden intensity has caught many off guard, and there are concerns about landslides and floods due to heavy rainfall. Acapulco Mayor Abelina Lopez has urged residents to hunker down or move to shelters, as the storm could be more devastating than Hurricane Pauline in 1997. The arrival of Hurricane Otis comes just days after Hurricane Norma struck the southern tip of Mexico’s Baja California Peninsula.


Hurricane Otis has slammed into Mexico’s southern coast, bringing 165mph winds and heavy rain to Acapulco. The Category 5 hurricane was expected to weaken quickly in Guerrero state’s steep mountains, but heavy rainfall has raised the threat of landslides and floods. It has also strengthened rapidly, going from a tropical storm to a Category 5 hurricane in 12 hours on Tuesday.

Preparation and Impact

Residents of Guerrero’s coast scrambled to prepare for Hurricane Otis, but the storm’s sudden intensity appeared to catch many off guard. Acapulco Mayor Abelina Lopez urged residents to hunker down at home or move to the city’s shelters. There are concerns that Otis could be more devastating than Hurricane Pauline, which hit Acapulco in 1997 and caused widespread destruction and loss of life. Between the internationally known resorts of Acapulco and Zihuatanejo are two dozen small towns and villages that are at risk from the storm.

Current Situation

Hurricane Otis’s arrival comes just days after Hurricane Norma struck the southern tip of Mexico’s Baja California Peninsula. The region is facing the impact of two major storms within a short period of time. Acapulco, a city of over a million people, is located at the foot of steep mountains and is vulnerable to the effects of the hurricane. Guerrero, the state where Acapulco is located, is known for its poverty and violence.


Hurricane Otis’s landfall in Mexico’s southern coast has brought devastating winds and heavy rain to Acapulco. The storm’s sudden intensity has caught many off guard, and there are concerns about landslides and floods due to heavy rainfall. Residents have been urged to take precautions and seek shelter. As the storm continues to develop, it is important to stay informed and prepared for any potential impact.

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