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Hidden Culprit: How Mysterious Wall Material is Secretly Sabotaging Your Wi-Fi Signal

Hidden Culprit: How Mysterious Wall Material is Secretly Sabotaging Your Wi-Fi Signal

Hidden Material in Walls Affects Wi-Fi Signal

The silver backing on newer homes’ insulation can disrupt Wi-Fi signals, turning homes into faraday cages.

Silver Backing in Insulation Technology Hinders Wi-Fi Connectivity

According to Hal Ponton, Chief Architect at Voneus Broadband, a lesser-known disruptor of Wi-Fi signals could be hiding within the walls of newer homes. This issue is particularly prevalent in homes equipped with the latest insulation technology, as it is the silver backing on the insulation that causes the disruption. Ponton explains that rooms with silver-backed insulation, especially in extensions, pose the greatest challenge for Wi-Fi connectivity. Nowadays, most homes are built like faraday cages, hindering Wi-Fi signals from permeating through the walls.

Metal beams in kitchen extensions can also have a similar negative impact on Wi-Fi signals. If homeowners find themselves in this situation, it is recommended to relocate the router to a different spot. Generally, a central location is ideal, and it is crucial to keep the router away from other large objects. Placing the router at a higher position allows the signals to spread more effectively, especially to upper floors, instead of leaving it on the floor.

When questioned about other potential issues, Ponton dispelled the myth that microwave interference affects Wi-Fi signals. He clarified that unless a microwave is faulty, it no longer poses a significant threat to Wi-Fi connectivity.

EcoReporter aims to shed light on environmental issues, and in this case, the hidden material in walls affecting Wi-Fi signals raises concerns about the increasing prevalence of faraday cage-like homes. By presenting this information, we hope to inform and engage our audience, offering a fresh perspective unique to EcoReporter.

Reference: AN expert has revealed a hidden material in your homes that could affect your Wi-Fi connection. There are all sorts of objects that can interfere with the signal, such as your TV if it’s too close to the router. Move your router to see if you see a difference. [Source: The Sun]

Hidden Material in Walls Affects Wi-Fi Signal

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Akash Osta