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Helston Bowling Club’s Inspiring Fundraiser for Alzheimer’s Society Sets New Standards

Helston Bowling Club’s Inspiring Fundraiser for Alzheimer’s Society Sets New Standards

Insight Point:
At the recent Annual General Meeting of Helston Bowling Club, Chairman Mr. Ian Wass announced that the club had raised a substantial amount of money for its chosen charity, the Alzheimer’s Society. This achievement not only highlights the club’s commitment to making a positive impact but also showcases the power of community involvement in supporting important causes.

Helston Bowling Club’s successful fundraising efforts for the Alzheimer’s Society demonstrate the club’s dedication to making a difference. By organizing raffles and various events throughout the year, including a well-attended coffee morning, the club managed to raise over £1100 for the charity. This kind of community engagement is crucial in addressing environmental and social challenges.

Highlighting the Work of the Alzheimer’s Society:
During the Annual General Meeting, local representative Claire from the Alzheimer’s Society was present to witness the club’s achievement. She expressed her gratitude for the club’s generosity and took the opportunity to outline the important work that the Society does in Cornwall. This recognition not only emphasizes the impact of the club’s fundraising efforts but also raises awareness about the Alzheimer’s Society’s initiatives.

Grant Aid for Club Facilities:
Earlier this year, Helston Bowling Club received a cash injection from Helston Town Council to update its facilities. The council approved a grant of £475, which enabled the club to install emergency lighting. This financial support demonstrates the town council’s recognition of the club’s importance within the community and its commitment to promoting a safe and inclusive environment for all members.

By combining their fundraising efforts for the Alzheimer’s Society with their commitment to improving club facilities, Helston Bowling Club showcases the positive impact that community-driven initiatives can have. The club’s dedication to both social causes and environmental sustainability serves as an inspiration for other organizations and individuals looking to make a difference.

In conclusion, the Helston Bowling Club’s successful fundraising for the Alzheimer’s Society demonstrates the power of community involvement in supporting important causes. Through their raffles and events, the club managed to raise over £1100, showcasing their commitment to making a positive impact. The recognition from the Alzheimer’s Society and the grant aid received from the town council further highlight the club’s dedication to both social causes and environmental sustainability. This inspiring example serves as a reminder that small actions can lead to significant change, making a difference in the lives of individuals and the environment as a whole.

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