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HCM City pioneers groundbreaking tech solutions for revolutionary agricultural production

HCM City pioneers groundbreaking tech solutions for revolutionary agricultural production

HCM City in Vietnam is planning to develop sustainable urban agricultural production with high technology, aiming to apply it to at least 70% of its agricultural land by 2030. The city has been losing agricultural land every year, but the good news is that the production value per hectare of agricultural land has been increasing steadily. The city has already established a high-technology agricultural zone and a biotechnology centre, and it is expanding its production scale in farming, animal husbandry, and aquaculture. The city aims to enhance the value of agricultural production and contribute to economic and social development through the use of high technology.

HCM City Aims to Develop Sustainable Urban Agriculture with High Technology

HCM City, the largest city in Vietnam, plans to transform its agricultural sector by implementing high technology in cultivation on at least 70% of its agricultural land by 2030. The city’s Department of Agriculture and Rural Development has noted a continuous decrease in agricultural land area over the years. However, the production value per hectare of agricultural land has been steadily increasing. With this trend in mind, the city aims to enhance agricultural production, increase revenue, and contribute to economic and social development through the use of high technology.

Development of High-Tech Agriculture in HCM City:
HCM City has been at the forefront of developing high-technology agriculture in Vietnam. The city established the country’s first high-technology agricultural zone in 2004 in the suburban district of Củ Chi. It also set up a biotechnology centre in District 12. Both of these initiatives have proven to be highly efficient and have paved the way for further advancements in the sector.

Expansion of Production Scale:
The HCM City Hi-tech Agricultural Zone has been expanding its production scale in farming, animal husbandry, and aquaculture. In recent years, the city has focused on building facilities and establishing pioneering units in the field of smart agriculture. Some notable facilities include the High-tech Agricultural Park, the Biotechnology Centre, and the Demonstration and Experimentation of High-Tech Dairy Farming.

Programme for 2020-2030:
To further promote the development of high-tech agriculture, the municipal People’s Committee has approved a programme for the period of 2020-2030. The programme focuses on research and development, aiming to develop plant and animal varieties suitable for high-tech agriculture. The city aims to achieve a revenue of VNĐ900 million to VNĐ1 billion per hectare by 2030.

Challenges and Recommendations:
Experts emphasize the need for a clear and adequate legal framework to support the management and development of high-tech agriculture. They also call for more investment in human resources training and incentives for research and development. Additionally, public-private partnerships are seen as crucial for the growth of the sector.

HCM City is taking significant steps towards developing sustainable urban agricultural production with high technology. By applying high-tech methods to cultivation, the city aims to increase the value of agricultural production and contribute to economic and social development. With the establishment of the high-technology agricultural zone and biotechnology centre, and the expansion of production scale, HCM City is poised to become a leader in high-tech agriculture in Vietnam. However, continued efforts are needed to address challenges and ensure the successful implementation of high-tech agriculture in the city.

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Nayan Kumar