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Halesowen Alumnus Shines at New York Fashion Week, a Dazzling Collection

Halesowen Alumnus Shines at New York Fashion Week, a Dazzling Collection

Abbie Walton’s journey from Halesowen College to New York Fashion Week highlights the growing presence of ethical fashion in the industry.

Abbie Walton’s internship with TurtleHorn, an ethical fashion design company, showcases the importance of sustainable practices in the fashion industry.

Abbie Walton, a former student of Halesowen College, recently made waves in the fashion world when her work was featured on the runway at New York Fashion Week. Completing an internship with TurtleHorn, an ethical fashion design company, Abbie had the opportunity to help design clothes for their streetwear collection. Her hard work paid off as TurtleHorn’s collection was even featured in Elle Magazine US.

At just 19 years old, Abbie’s achievements have been nothing short of remarkable. Leaving Halesowen College with a triple D*, she is now studying Fashion at Birmingham University and secured the internship with TurtleHorn. This opportunity allowed her to gain invaluable experience in the industry and learn about the importance of attention to detail.

Returning to Halesowen College to share her experiences, Abbie spoke to fashion students about her journey since leaving. She answered numerous questions and emphasized how rewarding it was to see her hard work showcased on the runway. Abbie’s collaboration with TurtleHorn not only taught her about the intricacies of fashion design but also highlighted the significance of sustainable and ethical practices in the industry.

Natalie Johnston, the Fashion Course Leader at Halesowen College, expressed immense pride in Abbie’s achievements. Recognizing her hard work and dedication, Johnston described attending New York Fashion Week with her designs as a dream come true for Abbie.

Abbie Walton’s success story serves as a testament to the growing presence of ethical fashion in the industry. As consumers become more conscious of the environmental impact of their clothing choices, designers like Abbie are paving the way for a more sustainable future. By working with ethical fashion brands like TurtleHorn, Abbie showcases the importance of incorporating sustainable practices into the design process.

In an industry often associated with excess and waste, Abbie’s journey reminds us that fashion can be both stylish and environmentally responsible. As the fashion world continues to evolve, it is essential to celebrate individuals like Abbie who are making a positive impact and inspiring others to follow suit.

By highlighting Abbie Walton’s achievements, we hope to inspire our readers and engage them in the conversation surrounding sustainable fashion. Abbie’s story not only ranks favorably on search engines but also resonates with those passionate about the environment.

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