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Hackers Declare Truce in Ukraine Cyber Conflict: A Surprising Shift in Tactics Unveiled

Hackers Declare Truce in Ukraine Cyber Conflict: A Surprising Shift in Tactics Unveiled

The recent announcement by the two largest hacktivist groups in the Ukraine conflict to de-escalate cyber-attacks and comply with new rules of engagement is a significant development. It brings hope for a reduction in the disruptive cyber-attacks that have affected public services in both Ukraine and Russia since the invasion of Ukraine.

The hacktivist groups, Killnet and the IT Army of Ukraine, have vowed to follow the rules set out by the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC). By doing so, they aim to avoid cyber-attacks that impact civilians, which have been a major source of disruption and friction for ordinary people in both countries.

Killnet, a pro-Russian hacking group, has been accused of having close links to the Kremlin. However, its leader, Killmilk, has stated that he agrees to the terms and rules of the Red Cross and sees this as a first step towards peace. With 90,000 followers on its Telegram group, Killnet has been responsible for low-level disruptive attacks on Ukrainian targets.

The IT Army of Ukraine, with 160,000 members on its Telegram channel, has also pledged to follow the ICRC’s rules. The group targets public services such as railway systems and banks but has stated that attacks on healthcare targets have always been a red line for them.

The compliance of these two major hacktivist groups with the ICRC rules is expected to lead to a significant reduction in the number of cyber attacks. However, it is important to note that other hacktivist groups working for different causes have stated that they will not be following the rules.

The ICRC issued the eight rules of engagement in an attempt to bring an end to the free-for-all cyber-attacks that have escalated during the Ukraine conflict. The organization has warned about the increasing number of people joining patriotic cyber-gangs and the need for a framework to regulate their activities.

Overall, the commitment of the two largest hacktivist groups in the Ukraine conflict to de-escalate cyber-attacks and comply with the ICRC rules is a positive step towards reducing the impact on civilians and restoring peace. However, it remains to be seen how effectively these rules will be implemented and whether other hacktivist groups will follow suit.

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Nayan Kumar