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Government secrecy hinders payments to Europride contractors

Government secrecy hinders payments to Europride contractors

The lack of transparency and accountability surrounding the costs of Europride events raises concerns about government spending and the treatment of contractors.

Government Blocks Information on Costs of Europride Events

Despite promises made by Equality Parliamentary Secretary Rebecca Buttigieg, tens of contractors involved in organizing the government’s Europride events last September have yet to be paid. These contractors, responsible for logistics, technical assistance, props, light installations, and more, have voiced their frustration over the delayed payments for work completed over five months ago.

The Ministry of Home Affairs, when questioned about the outstanding invoices, has provided no concrete timeline for when the contractors can expect to be paid. Some contractors have been informed that there are currently no funds available for their payments. This lack of financial transparency has left many in a precarious position, unsure of when they will receive the compensation they are owed.

The event, which was intended to raise the profile of Malta’s EU Commissioner Helena Dalli, has reportedly exceeded its budget by several hundred thousand euros, with the final bill expected to surpass €3 million. The largest contract for the event was awarded to Greaat Ltd, an events and TV production company owned by former Nationalist Party TV boss Anton Attard and his partner, former MZPN President Mark Grech, also known as Guru. Grech is a business partner of Luke Dalli, the son of Commissioner Dalli.

Despite repeated inquiries, both in Parliament and through Freedom of Information requests, Buttigieg has refused to disclose details about the contractors involved, how they were selected, and the costs associated with the event. Citing trade secrets, Buttigieg has blocked access to this crucial information, further fueling concerns about the lack of transparency and accountability within the government.

The Shift has taken steps to address this issue, calling on the Data Protection Commissioner to investigate the Home Ministry for potential breaches of the law due to its lack of transparency. By shining a light on these practices, we hope to hold the government accountable for its handling of public funds and ensure that contractors are treated fairly and paid promptly for their work. Stay informed by signing up for our newsletter to receive updates directly in your inbox.

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