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Gloria’s Heartbreaking Journey: Reflecting on the Final Moments with Her Loved Ones

Gloria’s Heartbreaking Journey: Reflecting on the Final Moments with Her Loved Ones

beautiful, filled with the touch and very presence of God himself. It reminds me of the innocence and faith of little Joshua, who eagerly anticipates seeing Jesus. He knows that when God says it’s his turn to go, Jesus will come to get him.

Thinking about loss and death, we are preparing for a special event this fall – the widow supper. In past years, I have helped with this event, but this year holds a different meaning for me. I never imagined that I would be one of the widows sitting at the table to be served. The widow supper takes on a whole new perspective when you find yourself in that position.

To all my dear widow friends, I extend an invitation to join me and other widows who have walked this path. You are welcome to join us as we come together to support and uplift one another. It is a time for sharing our stories, finding solace in each other’s experiences, and embracing the love and understanding that only those who have walked this path can provide.

As I reflect on the topic of facing the end of life, I am reminded of the importance of reorganizing our life perspectives. None of us know when our last day will be, but contemplating the possibility has a way of shifting our priorities. It prompts us to evaluate how we relate to our loved ones and what we teach them. Do our children know how much God loves them and that He has a plan for their lives, regardless of what may happen? Do they understand the value of living each moment with intention and purpose?

These questions bring to mind a note my late husband, Daniel, used to include in his correspondence. It said, “Blessings! Daniel & Family, Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. (Matthew 7:21) Lord, help us to daily seek your face!” These words resonate deeply with me now. The call to follow Christ is personal and individual. I cannot choose heaven for anyone else; it is a decision each person must make for themselves. And in the end, the reward will be entirely theirs.

The Christian walk is not always easy, but it is undeniably beautiful. It is a journey filled with the touch and presence of God. Through the depth of heartache and pain, we can experience the depth of God’s love and the current of divine love flowing through our hearts. It is in surrendering to the pain and finding solace in God’s presence that we can truly experience His love and find peace.

In conclusion, contemplating our own mortality can reorganize our perspectives on life. It reminds us of the importance of cherishing our loved ones and teaching them about God’s love and plan for their lives. It also reminds us of the beauty and depth of the Christian walk, even in the face of loss and pain. As we navigate this journey, let us seek God’s face daily and find comfort in His presence.

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