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Geely and Baidu Team Up to Challenge Tesla’s Dominance in Automated Driving Race

Geely and Baidu Team Up to Challenge Tesla’s Dominance in Automated Driving Race

The arrival of Jiyue 01, the electric vehicle developed by Geely and Baidu, marks the intensifying competition in China’s automated-driving market. Equipped with Baidu’s Apollo platform, the Jiyue 01 is moving towards a pure-vision approach, similar to Tesla’s strategy of relying mostly on cameras for assessing the environment. While Tesla is a global leader in sales and a pioneer in intelligent cars, Geely-Baidu claims that their Jiyue 01 surpasses Tesla’s Model Y in terms of handling and user interface. However, Chinese law has yet to determine legal responsibility in the event of accidents involving automated-driving systems.

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Nayan Kumar