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Ford stops building a $3.5 billion electric car battery factory with China’s CATL

Ford stops building a $3.5 billion electric car battery factory with China’s CATL

Recent events have led Ford to decide to stop building its $3.5 billion factory in Michigan. Together with China’s CATL (Contemporary Amperex Technology Co. Limited), this facility was first meant to make cheap lithium iron phosphate (LFP) batteries. A spokesperson for Ford, TR Reid, confirmed the decision and said that the company is stopping work on the project and cutting back on spending.

The main reason given for this break is that Ford needs to make sure the plant can still compete. However, the specific reasons for this decision have not been made public, and there is still no final decision on the project’s future.

Background of the Collaboration

Ford and CATL’s partnership was made public in February 2023. As part of this deal, CATL’s LFP battery cell knowledge and services would be used by Ford’s wholly owned subsidiary to make battery cells. But because of the recent break, it’s still not clear if this collaboration will continue as planned or if it will be dropped altogether.

Recent Developments and Investigations

This work stoppage comes soon after the United Autoworkers started a limited strike that hurt many automakers, including Ford. Plus, in July 2023, two congressional committees started looking into Ford’s licensing deal with CATL, which made the project even less certain.

Implications for Ford’s Electric Vehicle Plans

Ford’s plan to spend more than $50 billion on electric vehicles around the world by 2026 included the $3.5 billion investment in the Michigan factory. The company had big plans. They wanted to make 2 million electric cars by the end of 2026 and 600,000 electric cars every year by the end of this year.

Ford called the factory BlueOval Battery Park Michigan, but people in the area who were against the project called it the Marshall Megasite. The state gave the factory $1.7 billion to move to Marshall, Michigan. At the time of the announcement, Ford planned to hire 2,500 people to work at the facility. Production was set to start in 2026. Governor Gretchen Whitmer of Michigan strongly backed the project and stressed how important it was to keep jobs and supply chains in the state.

A spokesperson for Governor Whitmer said that the state is still committed to the auto industry and its workers in response to the construction holdup. The governor still wants to make sure that Michigan stays a center for skilled autoworkers and world-class automakers. Speaking out, the statement talked about the ongoing work to help the “Big 3” automakers and the United Autoworkers reach a deal that will allow Michiganders to return to work.

Future Uncertainty

The future of the $3.5 billion battery factory is still unknown while Ford takes this break to reevaluate the Marshall project’s viability. It’s clear that Ford’s choice will have an effect on its plans to make electric cars and on the Michigan economy. The auto industry and everyone involved will be keeping a close eye on this big investment for any new information or developments.

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