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EU’s Revolutionary Deep-Tech Talent Scheme Sets New Milestone, Ignites Global Tech Race

EU’s Revolutionary Deep-Tech Talent Scheme Sets New Milestone, Ignites Global Tech Race

The EU’s Deep Tech Talent Initiative has reached a milestone with 75 organizations pledging their support to train one million people in advanced technologies.

The Deep Tech Talent Initiative, led by the European Institute of Innovation and Technology, aims to boost innovation in Europe by training individuals in R&D-intensive, advanced technologies.

In a significant development for the EU’s Deep Tech Talent Initiative, 75 organizations have pledged their support to train one million people in advanced technologies. The initiative, which was first announced in 2022 as part of the European Commission’s New European Innovation Agenda, aims to enhance innovation and technological advancements across Europe. Led by the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT), an EU agency dedicated to fostering innovation, the initiative seeks to provide training and resources to individuals in deep tech fields.

Launched just over a year ago, the Deep Tech Talent Initiative invited organizations to pledge their support in achieving the goal of training one million people in deep tech by 2025. The EIT hoped that education providers, companies, and public organizations at both the national and EU levels would commit to offering assistance such as training programs or financial support.

On October 25th, the EIT announced that it had reached a “momentous milestone” with 75 organizations pledging their support to the initiative. While the EIT did not disclose the names of all the organizations, one notable supporter is Generation, a US-based non-profit organization that provides career training in various fields, including technology.

Minh-Huy Lai, the regional chief operating officer of Generation in Europe, expressed the positive impact of being part of the Deep Tech Talent Initiative. He stated that the initiative boosts their organization’s visibility and credibility within the tech community. Lai believes that this pledge will enable them to tap into a network of cutting-edge technology experts, innovators, and stakeholders, further enhancing the quality and quantity of their offerings.

The EIT is now calling for more organizations to join the initiative. It highlights that those who pledge their support can benefit from international exposure, opportunities to collaborate with the EIT, and networking possibilities.

This milestone achievement demonstrates the growing recognition and commitment to advancing deep tech skills and knowledge within the EU. By training one million people in advanced technologies, the initiative aims to foster innovation, drive economic growth, and position Europe as a leader in deep tech industries.

As the Deep Tech Talent Initiative continues to gain support, it holds the potential to create a significant positive impact on the environment. Advanced technologies can contribute to sustainable solutions, such as renewable energy, efficient resource management, and climate change mitigation. By equipping individuals with the necessary skills and knowledge in deep tech, the initiative can accelerate the development and implementation of environmentally friendly solutions.

With the support of various organizations, including Generation, the Deep Tech Talent Initiative is poised to make a lasting impact on the EU’s technological landscape. As more organizations join the cause, the initiative can further expand its reach and create a thriving ecosystem of deep tech talent, driving innovation and sustainability in Europe.

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Akash Osta