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Ecuador’s Presidential Election Amidst Violent Turmoil Sends Shockwaves through the Nation

Ecuador’s Presidential Election Amidst Violent Turmoil Sends Shockwaves through the Nation

The upcoming presidential election in Ecuador is being overshadowed by a crime wave, which has made the country one of the most violent in the region.

Ecuador is currently facing a significant rise in crime rates, particularly violent crimes. This issue has become the primary concern for voters as they head to the polls for the presidential run-off. The crime wave has even resulted in the assassination of a presidential candidate, Fernando Villavicencio, further highlighting the urgency of addressing this problem.

The two candidates in the run-off are centrist Daniel Noboa of the National Democratic Action coalition and Luisa González of the left-wing Citizen Revolution Movement. Daniel Noboa, the son of banana magnate Álvaro Noboa, surprised many by securing a spot in the run-off after coming second in the first round with 23% of the vote. Since then, he has overtaken Luisa González in the opinion polls.

Luisa González, a lawyer, enjoys the backing of former president Rafael Correa, who continues to wield significant political influence in Ecuador despite living abroad since 2017. However, Correa’s conviction for breaking campaign finance laws has made him a divisive figure.

Both candidates have recognized the urgent need to address the rising crime rates and the increasing power of gangs in Ecuador. Daniel Noboa has proposed moving hardened criminals to prison ships off the coast to disrupt the prison gangs’ activities. He also aims to enhance security at borders and ports to tackle drug trafficking, as Ecuador has become a transit country for cocaine.

Noboa has additionally pledged to boost employment opportunities as a means of addressing the root causes of crime. On the other hand, Luisa González has focused on fostering social integration and creating job opportunities to dissuade individuals from joining gangs due to a lack of prospects.

While González’s potential election as Ecuador’s first female president is notable, her opposition to abortion, even in cases of rape and incest, has alienated some women voters who had hoped for a female leader.

Whoever emerges as the winner of the election will be sworn in on November 25th. However, their time in office will be limited to just 17 months until the next presidential election. This is due to the early trigger of the current election, as outgoing President Guillermo Lasso dissolved parliament amid an impeachment trial.

In conclusion, the upcoming presidential election in Ecuador is taking place against the backdrop of a crime wave that has plagued the country. Both candidates have acknowledged the urgency of addressing this issue and have proposed different approaches to tackle the rising violence and gang-related activities. The outcome of this election will not only determine Ecuador’s next leader but also shape the country’s efforts to combat crime and promote security.

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