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Dumb Money’s Unethical GameStop Short Squeeze: A Wild Ride with Questionable Morals

Dumb Money’s Unethical GameStop Short Squeeze: A Wild Ride with Questionable Morals

The upcoming movie “Dumb Money” aims to capture the chaotic events of the GameStop short squeeze and the Capitol riot, presenting it as a feel-good morality play about the little guys taking on Wall Street.

The movie follows the story of Keith Gill, a Boston market analyst who becomes an amateur YouTube investment pundit known as RoaringKitty. Gill’s stock tips attract a group of amateur investors from the debt-ridden working class, including a GameStop employee, university students, a struggling nurse, and Gill’s stoner brother.

On the other side, the movie depicts billionaire hedge fund managers who are oblivious to the struggles of everyday people. The film uses music, TikTok clips, and memes to cultivate a sense of a society out of balance.

The plot revolves around Gill leading his amateur army to put a short squeeze on Wall Street, driving up the stock price of GameStop and causing panic among the big fund managers. The short squeeze was initiated by followers of the subreddit r/wallstreetbets.

The movie portrays the movement as a mix of collective, anti-establishment action and basement-dwelling trolling. It reflects the conspiracy-riddled nature of a nation still reeling under Trump, where reactionary figures can be mistaken for revolutionaries.

The film also highlights the role of investment platform Robinhood, which initially supported the small-time investors but later turned against them.

Overall, “Dumb Money” aims to capture the manic energy of the GameStop short squeeze and present it as a story of societal underdogs standing up to big corporate sharks.

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