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Controversial Protest at George Washington University Ignites Outrage: Unseen Angles of the Israel-Gaza Conflict

Controversial Protest at George Washington University Ignites Outrage: Unseen Angles of the Israel-Gaza Conflict

The recent campus protest at George Washington University over the Israel-Gaza war has sparked accusations of antisemitism and has led to the college disavowing the demonstration. The protest involved projecting slogans onto the side of a library, with messages such as “Free Palestine from the river to the sea,” “End the siege on Gaza,” and “Divest from Zionist genocide now.” While activists argue that these slogans are pro-Palestinian independence rallying cries, the Anti-Defamation League has described them as code for the destruction of Israel. StopAntisemitism, an antisemitism watchdog, has called for the university to expel the students involved, claiming that such demonstrations are celebrations of murder. The university has stated that the protest violated its policy and caused distress to some students, and it is reviewing the incident and considering appropriate steps in accordance with university policies. Students for Justice in Palestine, the group responsible for the protest, expressed frustration with the university’s response, claiming a lack of respect for their lives and right to free speech.

George Washington University Disavows Campus Protest Over Israel-Gaza War Amid Accusations of Antisemitism

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