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Controversial Decision: Second Line Brewing Shocks Community by Canceling Catholic Anti-Abortion Gathering

Controversial Decision: Second Line Brewing Shocks Community by Canceling Catholic Anti-Abortion Gathering

The cancellation of an anti-abortion event at Second Line Brewing highlights the importance of aligning event bookings with a business’s values and principles.

A New Orleans beer garden, Second Line Brewing, recently canceled a Catholic Charities booking for an anti-abortion event called Pro-Life and Pints. The event was scheduled to take place on October 26th and was set to feature three nuns speaking against abortion.

In a statement, Second Line Brewing expressed regret for not being aware of the nature of the event and explained that they could no longer offer their venue once they became aware of the advertisements. The brewery emphasized its commitment to promoting diversity, inclusion, and equality, and apologized for not upholding these values in this situation.

Catholic Charities expressed disappointment at the cancellation and announced plans to relocate the event. They stated that they will always stand for the dignity of human life, including the unborn, and hope that this situation can spark positive conversations among individuals with opposing viewpoints.

The event, which invited adults to gather for food, prizes, and special guest speakers, included a $20 cover charge that provided attendees with two beers or non-alcoholic beverages for those under 21.

This incident serves as a reminder of the importance of carefully vetting event bookings to ensure they align with a business’s values and principles. Second Line Brewing’s decision to cancel the event demonstrates their commitment to promoting inclusivity and equality within their community.

By taking this stance, Second Line Brewing shows that they prioritize their values over potential revenue, emphasizing the need to support events that are in line with their mission. This decision also highlights the power businesses have in shaping conversations and promoting positive change within their communities.

Moving forward, Second Line Brewing has pledged to improve their vetting process for future events and remain dedicated to upholding the values they hold dear. This commitment serves as an example for other businesses to prioritize their principles and ensure their actions align with their environmental and social goals.

In conclusion, the cancellation of the anti-abortion event at Second Line Brewing serves as a reminder of the importance of aligning event bookings with a business’s values and principles. It demonstrates the power businesses have in promoting inclusivity, equality, and positive change within their communities.

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