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China’s High Stakes in Israel-Hamas War: Unexplored Consequences

China’s High Stakes in Israel-Hamas War: Unexplored Consequences

China’s cautious approach to the Israel-Hamas conflict and its subsequent efforts to engage with all stakeholders in the region highlight its economic interests and its desire to enhance its reputation as a peacemaker.

China’s initial response to the Israel-Hamas conflict was cautious, urging all parties to exercise restraint and end hostilities. However, it later condemned acts that harm civilians without explicitly calling out Hamas. Since then, China has been vocal in denouncing Israel’s retaliatory air strikes on the Gaza Strip.

China has actively engaged with all stakeholders in the conflict, holding meetings and working towards a peaceful resolution. Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi met with officials in Washington and held discussions with Israeli and Palestinian counterparts. China’s Middle East special envoy also visited the region to meet with Arab leaders.

China’s interest in the Middle East is rooted in economics. It heavily depends on foreign imports for oil, and Arab nations are seen as key pillars of its Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). By playing a role in resolving the conflict, China aims to protect its economic interests in the region.

Additionally, China sees an opportunity to enhance its reputation by standing up for the Palestinians. It believes that supporting the Palestinians resonates with Arab countries, Muslim-majority nations, and the Global South. By working alongside the US, which has good relations with Israel, China hopes to bring all parties to the negotiating table.

However, some experts argue that China’s influence in Middle East politics is not as significant as it perceives it to be. They believe that China is not a serious actor in resolving the conflict, and nobody expects it to contribute to the solution.

In conclusion, China’s cautious approach to the Israel-Hamas conflict is driven by its economic interests in the region and its desire to enhance its reputation as a peacemaker. While China’s influence may be limited, it is actively engaging with stakeholders and working towards a peaceful resolution.

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