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Can Xue: The Groundbreaking Chinese Author Poised for a Nobel Prize Win

Can Xue: The Groundbreaking Chinese Author Poised for a Nobel Prize Win

Can Xue, the pen name of Chinese author Deng Xiaohua, is a relatively unknown figure in China’s literary scene. However, that could change if she wins this year’s Nobel prize in literature. Can Xue’s life has been marked by the turbulent period of China’s Cultural Revolution, during which her parents were persecuted and she was unable to continue her education. Despite these challenges, she developed a love for reading and writing, teaching herself English and immersing herself in Western literature. Today, Can Xue has published numerous novels, novellas, and short stories, with several translated into English. Her avant-garde style and unique blend of Eastern and Western influences have garnered critical acclaim. If she wins the Nobel prize, Can Xue will be only the second Chinese person to do so, following novelist Mo Yan in 2012. Can Xue has expressed a lack of hope in China’s literary scene, criticizing its conservative nature. However, she remains committed to writing for the country’s young people, hoping to inspire them with her work.

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